Minecraft launcher stuck on downloading sl si.language
Downloading: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/launcher/launcher.pack.lzma Exception: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath… For bukkit help, use #bukkit; you can also search Google for a mod's installation instructions. #1102 [09:57]
Thank you. #525 [05:32] :P #526 [05:32] i paid 4 minecraft #527 [05:32] just the http get and then some basic processing based on either 'true' or otherwise #528 [05:32] `paid Alan9876 #529 [05:32] …
Because the Premium Launcher can not open his own native folder! #697 [10:12]
Then, follow these instructions: #612 [12:50] ??> edgybigbird launcher/log-txt #613 [12:51] edgybigbird : We need to see your full launcher log, which is created in the game directory. #614 [12:51] edgybigbird…
The Minecraft Launcher is now ready to update to the new launcher Whenever i try to download it it gets stuck at certain ammount of mb,
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Is there any activation or something you can try on your end? Half the reason I bought Minecon tickets was so that I could receive the cape. #667 [10:58] * NorthGaLocal [NorthGaLocal@notlogged] has quit. See ?? launcher/change-version #54 [00:22]
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We aren't Curse; we can't help with that. #1135 [11:56] * ryder345 [ryder345@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp #1136 [11:56]